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      Home>> About Us>> Introduction
          Pingxiang Qiaomu Auto Parts Co., Ltd was founded in 1995. The company is located at the intersection of Pingxiang 320 and 319 National Highways. The traffic is very convenient. The company has built a new factory, covering an area of 2700 square meters, and has more than 100 employees, including 8 engineers and technicians, with strong technical force. The company has nearly 100 special equipment such as punches and vacuum annealing furnaces, and precision testing instruments such as image measuring instruments. The production equipment and technology have reached the leading level in the industry.
          The company has obtained GB/T19001-2008 and IATF16949:2016 quality system certificates.
          The company produces two series of products, auto parts system and metering products. Among them, nickel-copper composite electrodes for automobile parts system are professional products, and the technical indicators have reached and exceeded the advanced level of similar products in the world.
          The special products for measurement are the only designated manufacturer of Jiangxi Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau. The products sell well all over the country and are exported abroad.
          The company is based on sincerity, adheres to the road of science and technology, and constantly innovates. With the latest technology and high quality products, we sincerely serve our customers. 

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          泾源县| 天水市| 江门市| 定边县| 新巴尔虎左旗| 闵行区| 靖远县| 潮州市| 日土县| 昌平区| 黄平县| 兴安盟| 柘荣县| 郸城县| 屯昌县| 饶河县| 容城县| 雷山县| 磐安县| 聊城市| 三台县| 开阳县| 襄樊市| 昌宁县| 上栗县| 清水河县| 罗源县| 元朗区| 宁乡县| 昌江| 梅河口市| 三都| 格尔木市| 白朗县| 曲阜市| 达州市| 宿迁市| 贡觉县| 克什克腾旗| 常山县| 图们市| http://444 http://444 http://444